Thursday, March 18, 2010

Public Readers vs. Actresses

Our western history has given women a specific role within society. Until recent history, women were expected to hold specific roles in the support of society. These roles urged chaste behavior and personal control. 

Being an actress usually requires understanding the human condition. Women, like men, are full of weakness. In certain roles, a women would be required to be naked are partial naked, depict promiscuity, or display other 'un-ladylike' behaviors. The women in this field were not portraying their chaste and personal control and were considered to be in violation of the norms.

Public readers were able to share in a similar way to the actress. They could comment through their performances on the human condition and they could share histories. They could, however, refrain from undesirable behaviors. Being a reader provided that creative outlet and important chronicle without violating the norms of the society. 
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